Accountability and Knitting
Dusting off the blog to help provide accountability as I work towards becoming a Master Knitter by completing The Knitting Guild of America (TKGA) program. I have looked into it before but was put off by the cost. I was looking at class options for Vogue Knitting Live and thought that if I skipped taking a class, I could enroll in Level I.
It helps that I feel unchallenged and therefore uninspired by my knitting lately. I added spinning to the mix and that helps. However it also adds some unfinished project guilt.
What I'm hoping to do here is post my goals and progress to add some accountability to the process. I know that my nature is to start enthusiastically and over commit. Then give up because I failed at what was unsustainable. I want to do a little every day.
I've started the research for my report and the questions. I've swatched a bit with some leftover worsted weight and already think I have some issues to resolve. It's surprising.
The first swatches are simple things: ribbing, garter and stockinette. I *know* how to do that. Can literally do some of it in my sleep. And yet, the ribbing on the first swatch isn't perfectly even.
I'm thinking of using Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool, but I haven't gotten out to get it yet. It's snowing now and may be icing later so I'm not leaving town for yarn.