Already Fallen Down
A skate on an icy road in my car and a really challenging work schedule wrecked havoc on my good intentions. Nothing but metal and rubber were harmed in the accident, but it was certainly scary.
In the same week, one of our dogs, Patches, was
diagnosed with a hemangiosarcoma. She is my first dog ever, and the thought of losing her
takes the air out of the room. She is almost 14. She is wasting away, and I'm working hard to try to keep food in her.
There was a week or so there that I wasn't even doing any knitting or spinning for pleasure. I abandoned all thoughts of anything with regard to level one.
My yarn arrived. That provided some small amount of inspiration. I decided I was allowed to be as gracious to myself as I'd be to a friend in a similar situation. Because I was unable to do what I planned to do doesn't mean I should give up.
I cast on a swatch. I found that I was having some tension problems after that first column of ribbing. I did some research and tried to wrap my yarn the other way on the purl stitch. It's better.
I've now completed Swatch 1.1 and started on 2.1. I'm going to block them both and check gauge. Then make a decision on what to do next.